Successful dress rehearsal for the Nürburgring 24h-race

Finally, the breakthrough has been made. In the 24h qualifying race at the Nürburgring we were able to win the class SPX and finished on 16th place in the overall classification. This time Dominik Schwager supported our two regular drivers, Heiko Hammel and Dieter Schmidtmann. The Renault R.S. 01 GT3 with start number 35 went into the six-hour qualifying race from grid position 29. After the first half of the race, the R.S 01 GT3 was already in the top 20 through a perfect strategy, fast lap times and a well-established boxing crew. In the course of the race, the number 35 benefited from some failures of other participants, so that a remarkable 16th overall ranking was achieved at the end of the race. This successful racing weekend is the result of many weeks of hard work. Until the 24h-race (25-28 May 2017), enough time remains to prepare the Renault R.S. 01 and to make minor improvements.

You will find the complete onboard livestream here.
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