closed9:00 - 17:00 MEZ

Class win and overall rank 15 for the team mcchip-dkr

The motorsport team from Mechernich took part in the 45th NIMEX DMV 4h race of the Nürburgring endurance series with two cars: The new KTM X-Bow GTX driven by Dieter Schmidtmann, Heiko Hammel and Tim Heinemann as well as the BMW E90 325i with Lucas Lange and Sascha Lott.

The KTM X-Bow GTX was already being tested on the Nordschleife on Friday before the second round of the popular endurance series. After the season opener was canceled, the team wanted to catch up the lost test time. For the 24h-race at the beginning of May, the KTM in the livery of the multi-oil manufacturer GTronix 360° should be mature. For this purpose, the car was driven to the absolute limit also at the test day. Some setup-variants worked and some resulted in a negative driving behavior. A ride besides the race track, including a guard rail impact meant an extra shift for the mechanic crew. In addition to the commitment of the mechanics, the team got help by Teichmann Racing and Reiter Engineering who supplied the necessary spare parts.

The KTM was ready for qualifying on Saturday morning. With overall position 28th and P3 in the CupX class a satisfactory result. The BMW E90 reached P13 in class V4 for the 4-hour race distance. Starting driver Tim Heinemann convinced with fast lap times in the KTM and was right behind the factory KTM from True Racing. Due to a stop-and-go penalty for the competitors, team mcchip-dkr took the lead in the CupX class and didn't give it up again. Also Heiko Hammel and Dieter Schmidtmann performed with constant and fast lap times. The Class win and a 15th place overall at the end of the race means that every test kilometer was worth it. A successful debut for the team, driver and car.

The rookies Lucas Lange and Sascha Lott showed a solid performance in their first VLN race with the BMW E90 325i until an accident without one's fault led to the race end at the last few kilometers. The driver who caused the accident apologized for his mistake after the race. The damage at a few sheet metal parts mean a visit at the coach builder. Even if the time table is tight, the vehicle will be treated again to get back at NLS3 at May 1st, 2021.

There will be a detailed view of the race in the following days on the mcchip-dkr YouTube channel.
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(mo - fr 9:00 - 17:00 MEZ)

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